Barns Owl Rescued
August 4, 2016
Late Wednesday evening; a Soarin’ Hawk volunteer received a message from the local DNR C.O. informing us of a “problem” with a Barn Owl family in a farmer’s silo. It came as quite the surprise! Barn Owls are very rare in northern Indiana. On average only 10-15 nests are discovered annually; most of which are located in the lower half of the state.
The following morning she drove out to the farm and was immediately greeted by the family. All work came to a complete halt and they trooped through the stock pens and shed to the base of a 45 foot tall silo.
Inside the bottom and huddled against a wall, were three Barn Owl fledglings. They had fallen from their roost at the top of the silo.
A fourth bird, and probably the smallest, had died. One of our volunteers climbed down into the silo to evaluate their condition. They were all were weak and emaciated. After giving each bird a short drink of water, they were placed… more