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...and now there are two!

The second egg was laid this morning!

Watch the falcons live! - click here

"Moxie, I'm Ho-ome!"

Jamie, Fort Wayne's male peregrine falcon, has returned to the nest! 

(In both photos, Jamie is on the right.)

Photos from Indiana Michigan Power Falcon Cam

A Heartfelt Thank You

Soarin’ Hawk is very grateful to the folks at Pet Rest, a family-owned and -operated business that donates dignified cremations for our rescued and education birds that have died. The birds’ ashes are interred on their beautiful property in Ossian, Indiana, where the ashes “help flowers bloom and make the earth more beautiful.” Pet Rest’s services are a choice offered by many veterinarians in the area.

Learn more about Pet Rest – Click Here

Fort Wayne's Female Peregrine is Back!

She's back! Moxie , the female of Fort Wayne's pair of Peregrine Falcons, has returned to the nesting box high atop the I&M Building in downtown Fort Wayne. (Photo shows the small "bowl" in the stones (called a "scrape") where she will lay her eggs.)

Fishing for Jefferson

Jefferson, our handsome Bald Eagle, loves fish. When he started to get low on his favorite meal, we put out a call for fish, and you came through with flying colors! Thanks to Matt Parr of Undertow Baits (260-908-4484), John Grimm, plus Steve and another John, Jefferson now has 41 pounds of fish to eat! That will last a little more than a month.

Do you like to fish? You can go fishing for Jefferson too!

IMPORTANT: Whole fish only. No fillets please. No carp (Jefferson doesn't like carp). Remove all hooks, etc. Blue gill or other similarly sized fish are perfect. If you can, please package in flat, one-pound packages.

If you have fish you'd like to donate, call 260-241-0134 to arrange a pick-up.

Thank you for fishing for Jefferson!

We're Home!


We've waited for this day for more than 25 years, and it has finally arrived! Our education birds and rehab birds now have a new, state-of-the-art home! Thanks to Pat and Byron Funnell for allowing us to overstay our welcome these many years.

This month, we highlight the commissary, where our Avian Care team prepares all the birds' meals each day. The old commissary was outdoors, cramped, and had a leaky roof, and the birds' view of the outdoor environment was very limited. Each and every day, without exception, our dedicated volunteers braved below-freezing temperatures in winter and scorching summer heat to give our education and rehab birds the best care possible. Now, volunteers can do their work indoors in a state-of-the-art facility that will be efficient and easy to clean and maintain. The new habitats for the birds are easier to clean, and have a view of the outdoors, and that's a big win for the birds in our care.


Irwin Elementary 5th Grade Learns that Science Isn't Just "For the Birds"

Ms. Holmes' 5th grade class at Irwin Elementary learned about raptors and how human actions impact them. Students investigated the eating habits of some local birds of prey while also discovering how human and avian activities are interconnected with the local ecosystem.

Kendallville NEWS SUN Covers Peregrine Release

Injured bird returned to soar once again over Emma Lake

By Patrick Redmond

Nov 19, 2019   Photo Contributed

EMMA —Lisa Royal came home one day in late September and discovered a real surprise sitting out of her parents’ Emma Lake house right next door.

A large bird of prey was sitting on a woodpile next to her parents’ house. The bird was intense, but injured, and could not fly away.

“It watched every move we made but didn’t make any moves to get away from us. It was hurting,” she explained.

Royal quickly suspected the bird wasn’t just your average ordinary bird of prey. She’s seen eagles and ospreys fish Emma Lake, so a quick online check convinced Royal she had a Peregrine Falcon on her hands.

Royal said she’s heard about the Fort Wayne Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehabilitation program and found the group’s number and made a call.

Within an hour later, Soarin’ Hawk’s… more

UPDATE: Ruby and Houdini are Home!

Our wayward children have returned to the fold! We are so happy they're home!

Ruby is doing great, eating fine, and is getting back to being her old self.

Houdini is doing okay, but has not been eating well since his surgery. He is being hand-fed to make sure he gets the nutrition he needs, and we hope that being back in familiar surroundings will stimulate him to eat on his own.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to give these beautiful, special birds a chance. Please send your positive thoughts to little Houdini as he readjusts.

Houdini Update

Houdini had his surgery today. He woke up fairly quickly
and started perching. At this point, it's difficult to tell how much he
can see. He will go in for a re-check appointment tomorrow and then
again in a week.

Ruby is doing great! She is eating on her own and both re-check
appointments went fantastic!

We hope we will be able to bring them home the end of next week or
the week of the 28th.

Ruby's Surgery Was a Success!!!

Today was surgery day for Ruby, our resident Red-Tailed Hawk. Bright and early this morning, Sue H. and Bill O. delivered Ruby and Houdini to Purdue University's Small Animal Hospital, where - thanks to your generosity - both will undergo surgery to remove a cataract. We all were on pins and needles while we waited to hear that Ruby came through the surgery okay, and the results. Was the surgery successful? Is the cataract gone?

YES! The cataract is gone, and Ruby is recovering well! We are so happy and relieved!

Your generosity made these life-saving surgeries possible for Ruby and Houdini. (Houdini's surgery is scheduled for the 17th of October.) There are no words for how grateful we are. Many thanks also to the skilled vets at Purdue University.

Please keep these special birds in your thoughts as we wait for Houdini's surgery, and celebrate Ruby's success. 

A Very Happy Ending!

On February 1 of this year, Ray B was on his way home from work in Huntington when he saw a red-tailed hawk get hit by the truck in front of him.  Ray stopped, wrapped the bird in his jacket and called us. As he drove, he decided that it would stress the bird too much to take it home and wait for us to arrive, so he decided it would best for the bird if he drove him to our ICU in Huntertown. After a week in our ICU, the bird was transferred to our rehabilitation facility,  where he gained strength and recovered from his injuries. Then, after two months with us, he was ready for release. Ray has reported to us that he often sees this beautiful bird flying around his house. A wonderful, happy ending! 

Surgery Dates Re-Scheduled!

Surgeries have been re-scheduled for Ruby and Houdini. Ruby's surgery will be on October 11; Houdini's surgery will be on October 17. Both surgeries will take place at Purdue University, and both birds will be accompanied by our vet tech, Kat. Please keep both of these special birds in your thoughts.

An Important Update from Skylar

Hi all. I just wanted to let you all know that I feel pretty good. I'm packing on some weight - I'm up to 364 grams - and someone said my keel is a solid 4 out of 5 (I overheard someone say that means I'm not too thin - a good thing!). The mice in the Soarin' Hawk B&B are great! (The chicks not-so-much.) Well, see you all soon.

Love and nips,


A New Home for Two Screeches

On August 16, two Screech Owls, affectionately called Spaghetti and Meatball, were picked up by zookeeper Stacy and transferred to their new home at the Toledo Zoo. They will be together in their own mews and become a part of the educational program at the Zoo. We wish them well.  

We also have been able to place a Red Tailed Hawk at Wild World of Animals, a facility in Pennsylvania, where she will travel on one of the many programs they have each year. Another Red Tail and a Cooper’s Hawk are now display raptors at the Calusa Nature Center in Florida.  

As always, a gigantic thank you to everyone, from the concerned citizen who made the rescue call, to the volunteers who rescued, to all the volunteers who care for the many raptors that come to Soarin’ Hawk.  

Promenade Park Opening

Jefferson, our resident bald eagle, and Bridgette, one of his handlers, helped celebrate the opening of Promenade Park August 9-11 in Fort Wayne. A good time was had by all!

Progress Report on "The Nest"

Our new nest has windows, doors, walls, utilities, and - oh yes! - a raptor weather vane! Moving day is getting closer! Stay tuned!

Screeches Have a New Home!

On Tuesday, July 16, two of our non-releasable Screech Owls started life in their new permanent home at the St. Louis Zoo. Soarin' Hawk volunteers Jillian and Jeanette met Anne and Sydney, two St. Louis Zoo keepers, half way, at a lovely rest area. The little owls were on their best behavior. Jillian and Jeanette had some time to spend with the screeches at the rest area to say their good-byes, then were on their way back home. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who treated, trained, and watched over these two beautiful souls.  We all wish they were able to be in the wild on their own, but they have found a home and wonderful new keepers!

Summit Middle School 6th grade embraces nature

Each teaching team at Summit is encouraged to have a charity to support during the year.  We decided after the first presentation four years ago that Soarin’ Hawk would be ours.  The kids have embraced it every year.  The funds were raised during a Penny War held between our Advisory (homeroom) classes.

Scott Shoup, 6th Grade Team Leader, Student Council Sponsor, Geography Bee Sponsor, Summit Middle School


AEP Foundation Grant Allows New Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Center to Take Flight

AEP Foundation Grant Allows New Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Center to Take Flight
Feb. 26, 2019

FORT WAYNE, Ind. – Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) on Tuesday presented a $100,000 check on behalf
of the AEP Foundation empowering Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehabilitation Center to begin construction on
our new operations facility.

The donation equals approximately one-third of the cost of building the new facility at 17688 Lima Road.
“This generous contribution from the AEP Foundation is the final piece of the financing puzzle that will
allow us to begin building our long-awaited new ‘nest’ that will provide modern recovery enclosures, a
new aviary and a long-needed operations building,” said Harry Owen, President of Soarin’ Hawk. “In
addition to enhancing our recovery care for raptors, our new home will allow us to greatly expand our
educational programs, which already reach about 10,000 students annually.”
Toby Thomas, President… more