Golden Eagle
Length: 29 – 40 inches
Wingspan: 6 – 7.5 feet
Weight: male, 2.8 kg – 4.5 kg, female, 3.6 kg – 6.7 kg
Adult (males and larger females have same coloration) uniform dark brown with variable tawny (or golden) wash over crown and nape, and faint banding on dark tail. Its large bill is horn colored. The immature is always uniform dark chocolate brown above, with definite white wing patches (above and below) at base of primaries. The juvenile also has a whitish tail with a dark terminal band. The Golden Eagle flies with shallow wing beats, and its flight silhouette shows a dense body with small head and long tail. Because of some physiological curvatures in its wing structure, the Golden Eagle appears to have a Buteo S-shape glide; it also occasionally soars with a moderate dihedral.