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Short-eared Owl
Short-eared owls are on Indiana’s endangered list which means their prospect “for survival or recruitment within the state are in immediate jeopardy and are in danger of disappearing from” Indiana. We are fortunate to have two Short-eared Owls as education birds so we can tell people the importance of raptors and protecting their environment.   Amelia was found in LaGrange County, Indiana in 2011.  We will never know how her wing was broken; and unfortunately, her broken wing was non-repairable.  She will never fly again.  However, she enjoys hanging out with Sherman, our other Short-eared Owl.  We actually do not know if they are a male and female pair.  In raptors, the female is typically larger, but a large male can be the same size as a small female.  These two are a medium size, so we really do not know what sex they are!  If one ever lays an egg, then we will know for sure we have at least one female! Amelia and Sherman are like identical twins:  only those who know them well can tell them apart! Amelia has a bit more white on her face and is just a little bit larger than Sherman, but they are still hard to tell apart. Amelia can be a bit jumpy at programs.  New things tend to startle her, but overall she is a great education bird.  Short-eared owls are named for short tufts of feathers on their heads that stand up when they are relaxed.  So watch for Amelia’s ear tufts- they can tell you something about her mood!