20240519-Turkey Vulture-1
*Release* 7/7/2024 - Soarin Hawk volunteers Sharon Partridge and Brian Grubb released a turkey vulture that had been admitted to SH on May 19, 2024. When it was rescued, it was weak and lethargic and unable to fly. Over time and with treatment it regained it's strength and the ability to catch live prey. It was released near where it was found, west of Kendallville, IN.
7/6/2024 - Recovery journey going well and is in the ICU rehab pens.
5/19/2024 - This caller had picked up an injured Turkey Vulture near Kendallville and had brought it all the way to Dupont and Lima Road to drop it off to Soarin Hawk rescue. It had traveled all that way and never moved. Once in ICU, no injuries could be found, but the bird was so unresponsive that more tests were done and it had lead poisoning. Some lead levels can be treated with medication and this bird was a good candidate for the poison protocol treatment.
He remains in ICU to be closely monitored.