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20230506-Eastern Screech Owl-2

Admission Date
Rescue Location
Laotto, Noble County, Indiana
Cause of Admission
fello out of nest

  These two screech owlets  were picked up within 24 hrs of each other, one in Auburn and one in Laotto. Both had somehow escaped or fallen from their nest. The owlet from Laotto was found in a pole barn with no nest in sight. Our owlet from Auburn was found perching on a log about 3’ off the ground near the nest. The residents were trying to figure out a way to get up to the nest, however with Momma Owl diving at them and darkness upon them, it was not possible. Both were taken into SH ICU for exams to ensure they were physically okay to be re-nested. After quite a several hour search, we were able to find Eli Romary a professional tree climber who was excited to donate his time and help get them back to a nest. Due to the fact that both owlets were nearly the same age, we were able to re-nest them together. Momma owl stayed in clear site as the birds were successfully re-nested in Auburn. Great day for all!