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20191121-Coopers Hawk-1

Admission Date
Rescue Location
Fort Wayne,IN
Cause of Admission
Hit a window

Arrived home from ICU and received a call from Lynne about a bird down near Jefferson Blvd, near me. Went over to where it was located and had to call the caller ( who was off site) to find where among many medical buildings it was located.    Found the Coopers Hawk that I misidentified as a Peregrine. He was bleeding from his ear and had fluids on his eye. He had hit a window in the building.    He was immediately taken to Pine Valley. Dr. Pat was in surgery, so I just dropped him in a cage.    As always let’s pray this guy makes it. Thoughts and prayers for all the birds we rescue.  11/21/19 This Hawk had no broken bones according to its xrays.  It's eye is swollen and there was  some bleeding from its ear. It is being treated with medication for pain and medication to reduce the swelling in its eye 11/30/19 This hawk is improving. It is still in our treatment facility but is getting extremely feisty 12/07/19 This hawk has been moved to a larger pen at one of our falconers homes